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General rules configuration is described here.

Rules are grouped by category to help you understand their purpose. Each rule has emojis denoting:

  • βš™οΈ - this rule is configurable
  • πŸ›  - some problems reported by this rule can be fixed by editor suggestions
  • ⚠️ - this rule is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release



Enforces named argument order in function and constructor invocations to be the same as corresponding named parameter declaration order. style βš™οΈπŸ› 


Configure some imports that you want to ban. warning βš™οΈ


Warns when a cascade expression is used after if null (??) binary expression without parentheses. warning


Avoid using collection methods with unrelated types, such as accessing a map of integers using a string key. warning


Warns when an import/export directive contains a double slash. warning πŸ› 


Warns when a file has multiple exports declarations with the same URI. warning πŸ› 


Warns when dynamic type is used as variable type in declaration, return type of a function, etc. warning


Warns about usage mutable global variables. warning


Warns when a return value of a method or function invocation or a class instance property access is not used. warning


Warns when a field or variable is declared with a late keyword. warning βš™οΈπŸ› 


Warns when a enum constant is missing in a map declaration. warning


Warns about nested conditional expressions. style


Warns when a string literal contains non ascii characters. warning


Warns when non null assertion operator ! (or β€œbang” operator) is used for a property access or method invocation. The operator check works at runtime and it may fail and throw a runtime exception. warning


Warns when an asynchronous function is used as an argument where a synchronous function is expected. warning


Checks for redundant async in a method or function body. warning πŸ› 


Warns when call throw in a catch block. warning


Warns when a public top-level member (except the entrypoint) is declared inside a test file. warning πŸ› 


Checks for unnessesary conditional expressions. warning πŸ› 


Warns about unnecessary usage of is and whereType operators. warning


Warns about unnecessary usage of as operators. warning


Warns about unrelated usages of is operators. warning


Checks for unused parameters inside a function or method body. warning πŸ› 


Configure some names that you want to ban. warning βš™οΈ


Warns when a literal value is on the left hand side in a binary expressions. style πŸ› 


Checks that double literals should begin with 0. instead of just ., and should not end with a trailing 0. style πŸ› 


Prefer format comments like sentences. style βš™οΈπŸ› 


Warns when a field is not added to props getter of a class that extends Equatable or EquatableMixin. warning πŸ› 


Enforces ordering for a class members. style βš™οΈπŸ› 


Warns that there is no assertion in the test. warning βš™οΈ


Enforces blank line between statements and return in a block. style βš™οΈπŸ› 


Warns on comparison to a boolean literal, as in x == true. style πŸ› 


Disallows empty blocks except catch clause block. style


Warns when equal arguments are passed to a function or method invocation. warning βš™οΈ


Warns when if statement has equal then and else statements or conditional expression has equal then and else expressions. warning πŸ› 


Warns against using number literals outside of named constants or variables. warning βš™οΈ


Warns when a class member is declared with Object type. style


Recommends to use async/await syntax to handle a Future result instead of .then() invocation. style


Warns when // ignore: comments are left without any additional description why this ignore is applied. warning


Recommends to use a conditional expression instead of assigning to the same thing or return statement in each branch of an if statement. style βš™οΈπŸ› 


Warns when an identifier name length is very short or long. style βš™οΈ


Warns if the file within /test contains a main, but the file name doesn't end with _test.dart. warning


Type name should only contain alphanumeric characters, start with an uppercase character and span between min-length and max-length characters in length. style βš™οΈ


Since Dart 2.15 it's possible to use byName method on enum values prop instead of searching the value with firstWhere. style


Use first to gets the first element. style πŸ› 


Warns when a method or a function returns a variable declared right before the return statement. style πŸ› 


Warns when List.from() factory is used instead of List.of(). warning πŸ› 


Use last to gets the last element. style πŸ› 


Warns when a file name does not match the class name. warning πŸ› 


Warns when a property access or a method invocation start with duplicated chains of other invocations / accesses inside a single function or method block. warning βš™οΈ


Suggests to use static class member instead of global constants, variables and functions. style βš™οΈ


Checks for a trailing comma for arguments, parameters, enum values and collections. style βš™οΈπŸ› 


Warns when a tag name does not match the class name. warning βš™οΈπŸ› 

Flutter specific​


Warns when an event listener is added but never removed. warning


Avoid using Border.all constructor. performance πŸ› 


Warns when a method or function returns a Widget or subclass of a Widget. warning βš™οΈ


Warns when a ListView widget with shrinkWrap parameter is wrapped in a Column, Row or another ListView widget. performance


Warns when setState is called inside initState, didUpdateWidget or build methods and when it is called from a sync method that is called inside those methods. warning


Warns when setState is called past an await point. warning βš™οΈ


Avoid using Expanded widget as Spacer. warning πŸ› 


Warns when a widget is wrapped in a Padding widget but has a padding settings by itself. warning


Warns when a RenderObject setter doesn't have an equality check for the new value. warning


Warns when an updateRenderObject method is absent or doesn't update all fields set in createRenderObject. warning


Warns when a non-const border radius is used. performance πŸ› 


Prefer correct EdgeInsets constructor. style πŸ› 


Warns about inline callbacks in a widget tree and suggest to extract them to a widget method. style βš™οΈ


Warns when a file contains more than a single widget. style βš™οΈ


Warns when a Column widget with only children parameter is wrapped in a SingleChildScrollView widget. performance


Lints for the Flame package.


Warns when a Vector2 is created inside a Component's update method. warning


Warns when a late final variable is being initialized in the Component's onMount method. warning


Warns when a Component's onLoad method can be made sync. warning πŸ› 

Intl specific​


Recommends to use ClassName_ClassMemberName pattern for Intl methods name argument. style πŸ› 


Warns when a Intl method invoked without a description. warning