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Reports lint rules violations.

To execute the command, run:

$ dart run dart_code_linter:metrics analyze lib


You need to configure rules entry in the analysis_options.yaml to have a rules report included into the result.

Full command description:

Usage: dcl analyze [arguments] <directories>
-h, --help Print this usage information
-r, --reporter=<console> The format of the output of the analysis
[console (default), console-verbose, checkstyle, codeclimate, github, gitlab, html, json]
-o, --output-directory=<OUTPUT> Write HTML output to OUTPUT
(defaults to "metrics")
--json-path=<path/to/file.json> Path to the JSON file with the output of the analysis
--cyclomatic-complexity=<20> Cyclomatic Complexity threshold
--halstead-volume=<150> Halstead Volume threshold
--lines-of-code=<100> Lines of Code threshold
--maximum-nesting-level=<5> Maximum Nesting Level threshold
--number-of-methods=<10> Number of Methods threshold
--number-of-parameters=<4> Number of Parameters threshold
--source-lines-of-code=<50> Source lines of Code threshold
--weight-of-class=<0.33> Weight Of a Class threshold
--maintainability-index=<50> Maintainability Index threshold
--technical-debt=<0> Technical Debt threshold
-c, --print-config Print resolved config
--root-folder=<./> Root folder
(defaults to current directory)
--sdk-path=<directory-path> Dart SDK directory path. Should be provided only when you run the application as compiled executable( and automatic Dart SDK path detection fails
--exclude=<{/**.g.dart,/**.freezed.dart}> File paths in Glob syntax to be exclude
(defaults to "{/**.g.dart,/**.freezed.dart}")
--no-congratulate Don't show output even when there are no issues.
--[no-]verbose Show verbose logs
--set-exit-on-violation-level=<warning> Set exit code 2 if code violations same or higher level than selected are detected
[noted, warning, alarm]
--[no-]fatal-style Treat style level issues as fatal
--[no-]fatal-performance Treat performance level issues as fatal
--[no-]fatal-warnings Treat warning level issues as fatal
(defaults to on)
--fatal-warnings-threshold=<all> Number of warnings to treat as fatal
--fatal-performance-threshold=<all> Number of performance issues to treat as fatal
--fatal-style-threshold=<all> Number of style issues to treat as fatal

Output example


Use --reporter=console to enable this format.


The reporter prints a single JSON object containing meta information and the violations grouped by a file. Use --reporter=json to enable this format.

The root object fields are

  • formatVersion - an integer representing the format version (will be incremented each time the serialization format changes)
  • timestamp - a creation time of the report in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
  • records - an array of objects
"formatVersion": 2,
"timestamp": "2021-04-11 14:44:42",
"records": [

The record object fields are

  • path - a relative path to the target file
  • issues - an array of issues detected in the target file
"path": "lib/src/metrics/metric_computation_result.dart",
"issues": [

The issue object fields are

  • ruleId - an id of the rule associated with the issue
  • documentation - an url of a page containing documentation associated with the issue
  • codeSpan - a source code span associated with the issue
  • severity - a severity of the issue
  • message - a short message
"ruleId": "long-parameter-list",
"documentation": "",
"codeSpan": {
"severity": "none",
"message": "Long Parameter List. This function require 5 arguments.",

The code span object fields are

start - a start location of an entity end - an end location of an entity text - a source code text of an entity

"start": {
"end": {
"text": "entity source code"

The location object fields are

  • offset - a zero-based offset of the location in the source
  • line - a zero-based line of the location in the source
  • column - a zero-based column of the location in the source
"offset": 156,
"line": 7,
"column": 1


Reports about design and static code diagnostics issues in pull requests based on GitHub Actions Workflow commands. Use --reporter=github to enable this format.

  • Install dart/flutter and get packages:

Flutter example

- name: Install Flutter
uses: subosito/flutter-action@master
channel: stable

- name: Install dependencies
run: flutter pub get

Dart example

- name: Install Dart
uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@v1

- name: Install dependencies
run: dart pub get
  • Run DCL:
- name: Run DCL
run: dcl analyze --reporter=github lib

Full Example

- name: Install Flutter
uses: subosito/flutter-action@master
channel: stable

- name: Install dependencies
run: flutter pub get

- name: Run DCL
run: dcl analyze --reporter=github lib


Reports lint issues in merge requests based on Code Quality custom tool. Use --reporter=gitlab to enable this format.

image: dart
- dcl analyze --reporter=gitlab lib > code-quality-report.json
codequality: code-quality-report.json


Reports lint issues. Use --reporter=checkstyle to enable this format.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<checkstyle version="10.0">
<file name="lib/src/analyzers/lint_analyzer/lint_analyzer.dart">
<error line="168" column="3" severity="ignore" message="Long method. This method contains 63 lines with code." source="long-method"/>
<file name="lib/src/analyzers/lint_analyzer/rules/rules_list/avoid_returning_widgets/visit_declaration.dart">
<error line="3" column="1" severity="ignore" message="Long Parameter List. This function require 6 arguments." source="long-parameter-list"/>
<file name="lib/src/analyzers/lint_analyzer/reporters/utility_selector.dart">
<error line="27" column="3" severity="ignore" message="Long method. This method contains 53 lines with code." source="long-method"/>
<file name="lib/src/analyzers/lint_analyzer/reporters/reporters_list/html/utility_functions.dart">
<error line="45" column="1" severity="ignore" message="Long function. This function contains 56 lines with code." source="long-method"/>
<file name="lib/src/analyzers/lint_analyzer/reporters/reporters_list/html/lint_html_reporter.dart">
<error line="74" column="3" severity="ignore" message="Long method. This method contains 136 lines with code." source="long-method"/>
<error line="330" column="3" severity="ignore" message="Long method. This method contains 159 lines with code." source="long-method"/>

Example Bitbucket pipeline configuration

image: dart

- step:
name: analyze
- dcl analyze --reporter=checkstyle lib > checkstyle-result.xml
- pipe: atlassian/checkstyle-report:0.3.1