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added in: 1.6.0 warning

Warns when a public top-level member (expect the entrypoint) is declared inside a test file.

It helps reduce code bloat and find unused declarations in test files.

::: note If you want to set exclude config for this rule, the default ['lib/**', 'bin/**'] will be overriden. :::



final public = 1; // LINT

void function() {} // LINT

class Class {} // LINT

mixin Mixin {} // LINT

extension Extension on String {} // LINT

enum Enum { first, second } // LINT

typedef Public = String; // LINT


final _private = 2;

void _function() {}

class _Class {}

mixin _Mixin {}

extension _Extension on String {}

enum _Enum { first, second }

typedef _Private = String;